This is the first Hemp-Charity-Project in Europe. Our aim is the Legalisation of Cannabis. Here you can find more information about the campagne. Please support us. > contact here <
Legalize Medienpartner:

23.01.2016 Cannabis referendum fails in court
The legalization of pot in Bavaria is rejected for now. A cannabis petition has disowned the Constitutional Court. In return, 27,000 people had made strong.
09.07.2015 US government wants to destroy cannabis with dangerous fungi
For over a decade, the US government is researching a fungus which is grown especially for the damage of cannabis. First experiments in greenhouses have shown that the fungus and its spores are uncontrollable. If these spores are manipulated synthetically in laboratories are exposed to the consequences would probably be fatal. Fungal spores can remain in the soil for years without dying and multiply over very long distances. Planned field trials were indeed stopped after strong international protests at first but the research continues.
08.02.2015 Cannabis as Medicine
A serious report about cancer- and epilepsy patients in California.
09.06.2014 finally has a representative office in Germany continues to grow. The artist and activist Lars Knacken, one of the most versatile and creative activists in the German hemp scene, has taken over the representation for LEGAL in Germany. From now on you'll supplied here with information from the Federal Republic of Germany, insofar as it revolves around the subject of hemp.
Lars is known for many activities. For example: His hand puppet Kiffi or the first German hemp calendar. Visit his project:
Even now reachable under the domain or .de. Please support Lars cracking doing a good job in the name of LEGAL EUROPE
18.05.2014 CSC Mailand
On May 18, the first Cannabis Social Club opens in Milan.
03.05.2014 GMM Austria/Germany
The GMM meets Austria and Germany at 3. May 2014 See Towns here :
31.03.2014 Flashnews CSC Salzburg( Austria )
The first Cannabis Social Club in Salzburg (Austria) approved by the authorities News soon --->
The association Onej from Slovenia is organizing a seminar on medical uses of cannabis (as it is a hot theme in these days in Slovenia) The seminar will be held on 29.03.2014 in Ljubljana, Grand Hotel Union Hall, Ground floor.More info on:
11.02.2014 United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs
From Thursday 13 to Friday 21 March, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs will have its annual meeting in Vienna. On 13 & 14 March, this meeting will include a 'high level segment' with the participation of ministers and perhaps some Heads of State.In the mornings of 13 and 14 March, Encod will organise a picket line demo in front of the UN building.
31.01.2014 Cannabis Consumers nominate Jose Alberto Mujica Cordano for the Nobel Peace Prize 2014
On January 31, 2014, the Mambo Social Club of Hasselt (Belgium), Mr. Job Joris Arnold (The Netherlands) and the Cannabis Social Club of Maribor (Slovenia) joined the Drugs Peace Institute and nominated Jose Mujica Cordano, president of Uruguay, for the Nobel Peace Prize 2014 for his decision to legalize cannabis cultivation and trade in his country. Cannabis consumers collected well over the requested 100 signatures of government ministers, members of parliament and university professors qualified by Alfred Nobel to nominate.
24.01.2014 Italian city of Turin votes in favor of legalizing cannabis
The city council of Italian city of Turin has approved a motion in favor of legalizing cannabis on Tuesday, becoming the first major city in the country to make the proposal to allow marijuana to be prescribed for medical reasons. “This is … a move from a prohibitionist structure to one where soft drugs, particularly cannabis, are legally produced and distributed,” appealed the [Turin] city council to the Italian parliament, reports Italian press.for more-->
20.12.2013 Mambo Social Club raided
To all concerned, Mambo Social Club in Hasselt, Belgium's 2nd Cannabis Social Club, was raided yesterday. Details below, from American author & activist Doug Fine and Mich Degens, chairman of Mambo. Press release (in Dutch) on VOC-website: Please spread the news and support Mambo Social Club! Thanx, Derrick Bergman Encod steering committee / VOC Nederland
29.10.2013 Legal-Europe is going to establish a Finance Committee.
This committtee will make sure that funds are beeing expended within legalisation-protjects. For more inforamation, feel free to contact us!
28.10.2013 NEW BIG SPONSOR!
We are pleased to welcome "la Ganja Loca" as a big sponsor! Together we are stronger, that is the right way to legalize cannabis. The CIA-Team (Cannabis in Austria)would like to say "Thank you" for your help and support.
We are pleased to welcome "Sensi-Seeds" and "Hy-Pro" as premium sponsors! Togehter we are stronger. Without your help legalisation in Europe wouldn´t be possible! The CIA-Team (Cannabis in Action) would like to say "Thank you" for your support.
20.10.2013 Welcome Netherlands to Legalize
Now we are growing faster! Starting today, we are pleased to welcome the Netherlands as a legal partner. Click it out at the Dutch flag!
07. - 09.October.2016 - Hanfmesse Cultiva Vösendorf
Look here for more Info
13.August.2016 - Hanfparade in Berlin
Die Hanfparade ist die größte Demonstration für die Legalisierung von Cannabis als Rohstoff, Medizin und Genussmittel in Deutschland. Sie findet seit 1997 jährlich in Berlin statt. An der letzten Hanfparade beteiligten sich mehr als 10.000 Menschen. Die nächste Hanfparade findet am Samstag, den 13. August 2016 wieder in Berlin statt!
14.May.2016 - Hanfwandertag 2016
Wie jedes Jahr startet der HWT auch 2016 vom Wiener WEstbahnof aus. Beginn ist 12Uhr, erwartet wird unter anderem Richter Müller aus Deutschland und andere super Gäste. Also Wanderschuhe an und auf gehts ...LEGALIZE
11. - 12.March.2016 - Spannabis
Spannabis 13h Edition What appeared to be a dream is now an outstanding reality: SPANNABIS, celebrating its eleven anniversary is consolidated as the most important Spanish cannabic event of the year, hand in hand with the Expocannabis fair in Madrid & Spannabis in Málaga. All information about Spannabis 2016: Timetables, prices, Exhibitors, News, Performances, Lectures, Events, Music, Discounts, How to arrive.
02.May.2015 - Global Marihuana March Vienna
The annual GMM also occur in Vienna.
It beginns on 02. May 2015 at twelve o'clock.
The start location will be the "Christian-Broda-Platz" (Europaplatz)
For more information please visit:
14. - 16.March.2014 - Spannabis Barcelona 2014
What appeared to be a dream is now an outstanding reality: SPANNABIS, celebrating its eleven anniversary is consolidated as the most important Spanish cannabic event of the year, hand in hand with the Expocannabis fair in Madrid & Expocannabis Sur in Málaga. All information about Spannabis 2014: Timetables, prices, Exhibitors, News, Performances, Lectures, Events, Music, Discounts, How to arrive.
13. - 15.February.2014 - Spannabis Barcelona
What appeared to be a dream is now an outstanding reality: SPANNABIS, celebrating its eleven anniversary is consolidated as the most important Spanish cannabic event of the year, hand in hand with the Expocannabis fair in Madrid & Expocannabis Sur in Málaga. On March 16th 2014 will take place the Spannabis awards into the ninth edition of CANNABIS CHAMPIONS CUP.
13. - 14.March.2014 - UN - ENCOD Action
For if you did not know it yet, Encod is coming to Vienna next week, to demonstrate and participate in the 57th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs. We will organise a small picket line action in front of the UN building (Vienna International centre) at Wagramer Str 5, 1400 Wien (U1 - Kaisermühlen) On Thursday 13 and Friday 14 March, from 08.00 to 10.00 am (sorry about that) We will be around 10/15 activists from different places in Europe, some of us dressed in costumes belonging to the so-called 'Kaffeeschnüffler' (These were disabled veteran soldiers employed to search houses and cafés in Vienna and Berlin for coffee and impose fines. Today people laugh about this story. Just as people in the near future will laugh about UN meetings aiming to maintain the prohibition of plants like cannabis, coca and opium. We will use the moment to hand over some flyers to the delegates entering the UN building We hope that some of you can join us, and bring your good mood, maybe some music instruments, and whatever you think is useful! You are wellcome to pass this message to friends as well! Please contact for more information..
24. - 28.November.2013 - High Times Cup - Amsterdam 2013
Expo adress: Amsterdam Roest B.V, Czaar Peterstraat 213-B, 1018 PL Amsterdam, Netherlands
08. - 10.November.2013 - Cannafest Prague
Schon beendet
18. - 20.November.2013 - Cultiva Hanfmesse
Schon beendet / quit